I'm still trying to figure out how I want to use Twitter, a micro-blogging service that's getting press and becoming more mainstream. One of the fun uses: organizing a conversation around a specific topic, with a bunch of people you may or may not know ("followers" in Twitter language.)
In the blogging world, people have referred to this as a meme. Never quite understood this to the depth that I wanted to. But I think I started a meme today, when I provided this "tweet":
"I'm grateful for: lunch with sis and mom, middle of workday. Homemade "jook," Chinese rice porridge, acquired taste. And you? #gratefulfor"
If you aren't familiar with Twitter, each tweet can be no more than 140 characters. It pays to be concise.
You'll notice "#gratefufor" at the end of the tweet. That's called a "hashtag," a searchable identifier to find more tweets on a specific topic. Read more about hashtags here and here.
Well, probably more than you want to know. To participate on the conversation on Twitter, get an account if you don't already have one (it's free, like most social media tools these days), fill in the "what are you doing?" box with what you are grateful for, and be sure to add the hashtag, #gratefulfor, somewhere in the message.
If you want to get my updates on Twitter ("tweets"), search on my Twitter name, carolross, and click on Follow Me, underneath my photo. You'll see a list of my tweets, which so far, has been sporadic, with a "dipping my toe in the water" feel to it. Now I know how new bloggers feel.
If you'd rather skip the Twitter route, post the six things you are grateful for here or on your own blog. To start off, six things I'm grateful for, right now:
- A sunny, blue sky day in Colorado.
- Being home after traveling the last two weeks.
- A husband and two teenage sons who I adore, testosterone and all.
- Getting a large Bhakti chai at the local coffee shop for free, after completing my frequent buyer card.
- Time to reflect, think deeply, and generate new ideas.
- Filling up my gas tank for $20.
I think the protocol with memes is to tap other bloggers to do the same exercise--six things you are grateful for, right here, right now. I'm tapping Mitchell Ashley, Stephanie West-Allen, Simon Young, Paul Merrill, Deb Cooperman, and Marissa Bracke.
I love this post. Even if you didn't 'tap' me I'll play here.
6 out of the many things I'm grateful for
1. My daughter loves me flaws and all
2. My husband loves me flaws and all
3. My friends love me flaws and all
4. I have a roof over my head, food in the pantry, and heat, water, & electricity therein
5. I have an education and I'm living in a country where I can pursue any dream I dream
6. I have been blessed in life to meet so many amazing, interesting, beautiful, caring, intelligent, passionate people that it seems almost as if I've had more than my fair share.
I could go on, but these are a few of the things I wake up thankful for every day.
Posted by: Lucretia Pruitt | December 12, 2008 at 05:32 PM
Hi Lucretia,
I love your list, as it tells me a lot about who you are and what you matters to you. What I'm struck by is how little we need in terms material things to be happy and how much we have at our disposal in terms of resources and opportunity. Thanks for the reminder.
Have a great/grate(full) weekend!
Posted by: carolross | December 12, 2008 at 05:43 PM
I did my list. Thanks for the "tap"!
Have a great holiday season...
Posted by: Paul Merrill | December 15, 2008 at 09:03 AM
I posted my list girlene. Thanks again for tagging me. :)
Posted by: Deb Cooperman | December 17, 2008 at 07:29 PM