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    Laura Neff

    Carol, thanks so much for your rare endorsement! I'm VERY excited about offering this much-needed program, and would tend to agree with your assessment that I do, indeed, have my act together. :) The program is actually six months long, offering continued support in this uncertain economic climate.

    Today I'm posting info on my site about a free program preview call to take place on Friday, March 6. Follow the link in Carol's post to learn more & register for the call.

    Again, Carol, many thanks! Bill raves about you, and I'm always glad to meet another CTI coach. I look forward to staying in touch!

    Carol Ross

    Laura, my pleasure. I hope that those who need it will take advantage of your program.

    Feel free to check back on the blog from time to time (or better yet, subscribe vis RSS or email) as there may be stuff of use for your program participants. For example, In addition to the video clips I mention above, I'm working on a post about the upside to a recession.

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