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    Jeff Moriarty

    I'm also a big believer in story, and the power to convey information. It is the oldest form of sharing information that people have, and it transforms both the teller and the listener.

    I'm a big fan of Joseph Campbell and the Hero Of A Thousand Faces. He ties storytelling to the mythology that underlies our culture and society. Amazing reading (and video series) if you have never seen him before.

    Carol Ross

    Hey, Jeff, thanks for reading! I'm familiar with Campbell's work on a cursory level and have seen bits and pieces of the PBS interviews of him with Bill Moyers. I haven't read his book in depth but I do like the Hero's journey template.

    Love that you also share a belief in the power of story to transform. Hooray for story!

    Steve Allen

    I deal with people's "Story" every day in my work seeking employment options for individuals with disabilities.
    Most, over 80 percent of their stories did not begin with a disability so it creates a definate career shift (I attended a talk you did on career shifters for CHRA) but it did not hit me till your Story Story that the concept holds true for them also.
    The difference is the shift is not one of their choosing.
    Any resources come to mind?

    Carol Ross

    Steve--what a great question! We all have things that happen in our lives that are not of our own choosing, although with your clients, it's much more extreme. The key is to make sense of your story so that you can move forward.

    If you aren't familiar with the Hero's Journey, Google it and you'll be able to get some background and the basics of it. When people have gone through something dramatic (or even not so dramatic) in their life, the Hero's Journey provides a template for making sense of the sequence of events. This is inner work that can be tough and take time.

    The other resource I would recommend is a book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. This is not so much instructional as inspirational and illustrative--one man's journey of using the concept of story to change his life.

    Having the right frame of mind is a first step to opening up opportunities, no matter who you are. And that frame of mind is influenced by the stories we tell ourselves.

    Hope that helps!


    Great observations. I love the part about our stories changing because of our changing perspectives.


    Thanks for stopping by. Re: stories changing because of our changing perspectives. The wonderful thing is that we can all change our perspectives. It's a choice as to what perspective we take on anything.

    Tanja Lewis

    Hi Carol

    I loved your Story - very inspirational :-)

    Tanja Lewis (Denmark)


    Glad that you liked it, Tanja. Talking about inspirational stories, would love for you to post in the comments a bit about your story.....

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