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    Marc Miller

    When our son went off for college 1000 miles away in 2002, one thing became very evident on his trips home. I was now seeing him in snapshots. I would walk out of a room and when I would walk back in he would be doing something really mature that I had never seen him do before. He would suddenly call home and ask for some really mature "advice". When he was in high school I was pretty stupid. I did not know ANYTHING.

    I was use to seeing him every day and the changes from day to day were slight. When I only saw him every three months the changes were very evident. He was growing up! He is now 27, got married two weeks ago, off my payroll and is fine young man. I am smart again.


    Thanks, Marc, for sharing your experiences with seeing your son grow into an adult. The snapshot idea makes a lot of sense. It's made me look forward to seeing changes each time my son comes home. And congratulations on raising a fine son. I'm sure you were the proud dad at his wedding!

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