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    I love that you are so willing to share with us now what you wish you had known ten years ago. If we all did that a little more we might all be living a better life right now (ex. ). I especially like your last two bits of advice. I couldn't agree with them more.


    Thanks, Janey, for stopping by. Blogging helps me as much as it helps my readers. With age, it's easy to forget key insights or even simple events that have meaning. Writing it down helps me remember...

    Susan Rossie

    I have been following your blog and work. The power of the story...our own, others and those we can create by paying attention to what we experience everyday informs our lives and enriches us. Thank you for sharing so honestly and authentically. I hope to meet you someday when you visit Chicago again.


    You are so right that stories are right in front of us, every day, if we choose to pay attention! It's one of the reasons I started this blog, as a way to capture those stories...and make meaning of my own life. I'm glad that by sharing, it helps you and others.

    And yes, would love to meet you the next time I'm in Chicago! I'll be sure to announce the next meetup in Chicago (Oct 2013) on this blog.


    great information.

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