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    Ed Goldstein

    I still mourn the loss of my faithful Old English Sheepdog, Benjie, the mayor of Georgetown, more than four years after we lost him to cancer. He was a loyal friend and a gentleman. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

    Laila Atallah

    What a beautiful tribute, Carol. I'm sorry to hear of Yama's passing, but moved by what a big and loving role he has played in your family. I hope your many sweet memories comfort you as you grieve and heal, and that his spirit lives on in your hearts.

    marci alboher

    Thanks for sharing this memorial Carol. A relationship with a loved animal is definitely a window into new kind of love. I'm happy that all of your family got to experience that with Yama...and I hope that those memories help all of you to let go.

    Jim Huling

    This tribute is so moving, Carol. You've made me feel your joy and your sorrow and have expanded Yama's "presence" into my life and the lives of all who read this. What a gift you have for heart-felt expression, and what a blessing to be among those with whom you would share it. Thank you.


    Ed--I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. A loyal friend is a jewel to be treasured. I have a friend who has lost two golden retrievers over the years and she's told me that the pain fades away over time, while the memories and good feelings continue on. I hope that is the case for you.

    Laila, Marci, and Jim--Thank you for your comforting and kind words. Writing this piece has been healing--to focus on the good memories and see Yama's life over time, rather than his last few days. I'm grateful that I can express what is in my heart and glad that I can share it with others.

    Sarah Kiefhaber

    Carol, this was so beautiful! It made me cry, thinking about our dog Basia who died five years ago. I miss her still, but in a wistful way. It's hard to love and lose someone, but the loving is worth it.


    Sarah--thanks for your comments. Your dog must have been very special to you--I like how you describe missing her, years later, "in a wistful way". Agree that the loss and pain are worth going through.


    great information.

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